(651) 493-3622


AAHW faculty members are highly-trained professionals in their fields of expertise. They include skilled doctors of Oriental medicine from China, and doctors of biomedicine who have received training in both Western and Oriental medicine. Our faculty members embody a comprehensive range of experience in academic knowledge, clinical practice and technical skill.

AAHW was founded with the aid and support of many people and institutions in China and the United States. Our curriculum was designed to conform to the standards of education offered by Chinese universities of TCM, and was specifically modeled on the curriculum of the Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Jinan, China. After much hard work and dedication, the Academy was founded in August 1997 under the name of the American Academy of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (AAAOM), and regular classroom instruction began in January, 1999. In February 2021, the American Academy of Health & Wellness (AAHW) acquired AAAOM’s three outstanding graduate-level programs: Master of Acupuncture; Master of Acupuncture with Chinese Herbal Medicine Specialization; and Doctorate of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. As the successor institution to AAAOM, AAHW continues the exemplary tradition of education in acupuncture and Asian health studies.

Statement of Purpose

The American Academy of Health and Wellness educates and prepares students to become licensed practitioners of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), to advance the profession through lifelong learning and professional development, and to actively support the integration of TCM with the wider U.S. health care system.

The American Academy of Health and Wellness offers a Master of Acupuncture (MAc) degree, Master of Acupuncture with Chinese Herbal Medicine Specialization (MACHMS) degree, and Doctorate in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (DAOM) degree. Master’s-degree students will learn to apply the theory and practice of traditional Chinese medicine to health conditions including: back and joint pain; musculo-skeletal disorders; gynecological problems; neurological disorders; anxiety and depression; and others. DAOM students receive advanced training in TCM diagnosis and treatment, with an emphasis on integrative medicine.

Educational Objectives

The educational objectives of AAHW are listed below. To achieve these objectives graduates will:

  1. Demonstrate a solid understanding of the theories and philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine.
  2. Be competent in skills of patient assessment, clinical diagnosis, and the development of treatment plans.
  3. Be able to effectively administer various modalities in traditional Chinese medicine.
  4. Demonstrate sufficient understanding of Western medical science to complement TCM medical diagnosis and to enable informed and responsible referrals.
  5. Display a sound understanding of professional ethics.
  6. Be competent in the application of professional practice standards in order to communicate and interact appropriately with peers and patients.
  7. Be prepared to enter all available TCM professional practice opportunities including those in private practice, integrated clinics, hospitals, community health centers, teaching, and research.


The American Academy of Health and Wellness is located at 2233 Hamline Ave N, Suite 432 in Roseville, Minnesota, at the RPC Properties, Inc. building near the junction of Interstate 51 and Highway 36. Our facilities include two classrooms, a student intern clinic with four treatment rooms, a library resource and study area, an herbal pharmacy, a small bookstore, administrative offices, and faculty area. Classrooms are equipped with acupuncture charts, models, and human anatomy models. The building also has two conference room spaces for ongoing Tai Chi and Qi Gong courses. The building has ample free parking to accommodate students, faculty, and patients.

State Registration and Approval

The American Academy of Health and Wellness is registered with the Minnesota Office of Higher Education pursuant to sections 136A.61 to 136A.71. Registration is not an endorsement of the institution. Credits earned at the institution may not transfer to all other institutions.

Minnesota Office of Higher Education: 1450 Energy Park Drive, Suite 350, St. Paul, MN 55108, telephone 651-642-0567; email:; website:

Minnesota Licensing Requirements for Practice

Minnesota requires that candidates pass the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) acupuncture examination in order to practice in the state. The Minnesota Board of Medical Practice is the licensing agency for practicing acupuncture in Minnesota. Graduates from the master’s degree programs at the American Academy of Health and Wellness, which are accredited programs with the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine (ACAHM), are qualified to take the NCCAOM exams. AAHW prepares its students for national certification by the NCCAOM.

Campus Safety Policies

 I.  Safety and Security Measures for Students, Staff, and Faculty

  • Exercise caution to prevent loss or theft of personal effects. Do not leave valuables unattended.
  • Lock your vehicle when it is in the parking lot.
  • Be familiar with emergency exit routes from the campus in case of fire or other emergency. There is a stairwell at each end of the corridor, with a red “Exit” sign. DO NOT TAKE THE ELEVATORS IN THE EVENT OF A FIRE OR SEVERE WEATHER EMERGENCY. (See Emergency Evacuation section below.)
  • In the event of severe weather, take shelter in the basement. 
  • Report any safety hazards such as icy sidewalks, etc., to building management in a timely manner.
  • Be aware of the school drug and alcohol abuse policy and sexual harassment policy (AAHW Student Handbook, Sections 5.10.4, 5.10.5 & 5.10.6). The possession, use, or sale of alcohol or unauthorized drugs on campus is prohibited. 
  • No guns are permitted in the building. 
  • Students, staff, and faculty with symptoms of a communicable disease such as influenza are asked to remain at home until they cease to be contagious. Students should contact their instructors or school administrative staff in a timely manner to report their illness.

 II.       Reporting Criminal Activity

  • AAHW does not have an on-campus security department. Building management is responsible for safety and security issues in the building. If you witness a crime or are the victim of a crime, call 9-1-1 immediately. The 24-hour non-emergency number for the Roseville Police Department is 651-767-0640. Once the police have been notified, report the incident to a member of AAHW’s administrative staff as soon as possible. 
  • Under the Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization Act of 2013, incidents of domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking on campus property are reportable crimes (see Section III, below).  
  • On-campus, the Academic Dean is in charge of security issues. However, all administrative personnel is responsible for the first response to an emergency situation until assistance is provided by police, fire, or medical agencies. Report immediately any emergency situation, suspicious activity, or criminal behavior to any member of the available administrative staff, including front desk receptionists, instructors, and clinic supervisors.
  • Non-emergency criminal activity, such as incidents of alcohol possession, sexually inappropriate behavior, suspected theft, etc., should be reported to the Academic Dean as soon as possible to begin appropriate investigative and disciplinary action. 

III.  Campus Security and the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)

  • Victims of, and witnesses to, the criminal activities of domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking on campus should call 9-1-1 immediately or notify the Roseville Police Department directly. AAHW will support the police department to the best of its ability in these cases and will use the standards of evidence used and set forth by the police department in any institutional proceeding arising from such a report. 
  • Victims of or witnesses to criminal actions, such as stalking, which are not overtly violent, but which cause the victim to fear for her/his safety or cause the victim substantial emotional harm, should report such action(s) to AAHW administration as soon as possible. Victims are also free to report such activity to the police or civil authorities. If the police are involved, AAHW will abide by standards of evidence used by the police to determine whether there is sufficient evidence against an accused perpetrator to warrant institutional action. 
  • If a student wishes to report an incident only to the AAHW administration, AAHW will investigate the incident’s circumstances. To determine if a criminal action has taken place, AAHW requires confirmable evidence, such as emails or voicemails from the perpetrator to the victim or third-party eyewitness confirmation of criminal actions.
  • Students who have been the victim of criminal activity on campus may request the following types of assistance or accommodation from AAHW administration, whether the criminal activity was reported to the police or not, and whether any disciplinary action was taken against an accused perpetrator or not. Students who feel unsafe in one or more of their academic classes may request an independent-study option to complete a class. Interns or externs in the AAHW Student Clinic may refuse to treat a patient if that patient is perceived as a threat to the student. Students who work on campus property may request the AAHW administration to intervene in a situation which they perceive as dangerous or threatening to themselves or others. Students may request an escort to their vehicle.     
  • Students or staff members of AAHW who commit violent criminal actions on campus and are found guilty of doing so will be dismissed from the program (students) or terminated as employees (staff).


IV.    Emergency Evacuation/Safety Procedures

  • Fire: In the event of a fire, the building must be evacuated immediately. Proceed to the stairwell you are nearest to and descend quickly, but in an orderly manner, to the ground floor building exit (fire or perceived danger) or to the basement (severe weather). 
  • Severe Weather: If a tornado or severe weather outbreak is imminent, all students and staff should stay calm and take the stairs to the basement of the building. Do not take the elevator; do not leave the building. 

V. Building Security   

At 8:00 pm, the building exits are locked. After 8:00 pm, the building can be exited by doors on all sides of the building, but can only be re-entered at the main building entrance with the use of a code. On campus, after clinic and classes are over for the day, a faculty member or administrative staff member will lock the doors to campus rooms. Any students who are still on campus will be asked to leave at that time.


VI. Campus Crime Statistics

In compliance with federal requirements (the Clery Act, 1990), AAHW submits an annual campus crime and security report to the Department of Education. This survey documents any criminal offenses, hate crimes, drug, alcohol, or weapons violations, etc. which have occurred on campus. The survey includes crime statistics reported for the previous three years. The campus security report is required to be available to all current and prospective school students and employees. The annual campus security report is posted on AAHW’s website. A paper copy is available in the office of the Financial Aid Administrator (FAA). In addition, AAHW makes available to students and employees a log of public crimes, compiled by the Roseville P.D., which have been committed in the building, building parking lot, and adjacent road.  

2023 Annual Campus Safety and Security Report


VII. Sex Offender Registry

AAHW is required to inform current and prospective students, and current and prospective employees, that the Roseville P.D. maintains a Sex Offender Registry. Students and employees may contact Roseville P.D. at 651-792-7008 or to obtain information regarding sex offenders who may be enrolled or employed at AAHW. The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension administers a predatory offender registration and tracking program and may be reached at 888-234-1248 or 651-603-6748.

Promoting an Alcohol- and Drug-Free Campus

In compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (Public Law 101-226), the American Academy of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine is committed to promoting an educational and workplace environment that ensures that students and employees can learn, work and develop to their full potential. The use and abuse of alcohol and other controlled substances have a negative impact on the ability of students and employees to learn and work to their full potential. In recognition of this fact, AAHW has implemented and will enforce the following alcohol- and drug-free campus policies. This guide also contains information on the health risks associated with the use of controlled substances and provides a list of community resources available to students and employees who may wish to seek help.


Safeguarding the Privacy of Student Education Records

The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, known as FERPA, requires all educational institutions which disburse federal financial aid funds to safeguard students’ personal information and education records and to provide students with the opportunity to access and amend their records.


Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Contact Info

2233 Hamline Ave N, Suite 432,
Roseville, MN 55113

(651) 493-3622
(651) 340-3607 (Student Clinic)

Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

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