(651) 493-3622

Veteran Educational Benefits

Veterans, veterans’ dependents, active-duty service members, and National Guard or Reserves members may be eligible for federal VA education benefits. All three of AAHW’s graduate-level programs have been approved by the Minnesota State Approving Agency for VA educational benefits. Qualifying students must present a Certificate of Eligibility to AAHW’s Financial Aid Office by the first day of classes. For further information in regard to eligibility, and to apply for benefits, contact: 

For information on Federal Benefits:

To apply for Federal Benefits:

Minnesota residents may also qualify for additional benefits under the MN GI Bill, which is administered by the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs (MDVA).

For information on State Benefits: –

To apply for State Benefits:

For personal assistance with understanding and applying for benefits, contact Central Metro Regional Coordinator, Mr. Duane Bauer II: – 612-310-0492

In compliance with the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018, any student who has provided a Certificate of Eligibility to AAHW will not be penalized due to delayed disbursement of funding from the Department of Veteran’s Affairs. For example, students will not be assessed a late fee, or denied access to classes or any school resource available to registered students.